Militias inspect Bait al-Faqih neighborhoods, spread security in al-Hodeida

English - Sunday 10 March 2019 الساعة 05:40 pm
Al-Hodeida –

Local sources told Newsyemen that Houthi militias had set up checkpoints at a number of entrances to the neighborhoods of Bait al-Faqih district.

The armed militias begin strict procedures, and requested a personal ID of all the residents and those in the residential neighborhoods in the district.

The sources added that al-Hodeida city experiences an unprecedented security spread, as the Houthi vehicles checked each neighborhood, especially al-Rabsa and the July 7th.

The Houthi militias fired a mortar shell on Bani Magareb area, west Hais city and fell down on Mahyoub Magari, injuring an old woman critically.