Mocha.. Small works are escape portals from poverty
English - Saturday 22 June 2019 الساعة 04:25 pm
Alongside the main entrance to Qat market in Mocha district, a visitor sees vendors and small business owners spread out on both sides of the entrance.
The street vendors and their small business showed customers some of what they have, their works represent a gateway to escape poverty.
Muneer, 24, said to NewsYemen, who sells Orange juice, " our sales were excellent in Ramadan, these days, sales are good, we are looking forward to profits as in the month of Ramadan".
Abdullah, who sells cranberry juice, comes from Shara'b whoever looks at Abdullah and what he is doing thought he is in low-income job, but Abdullah said his daily profit is good.
"What he earns every day is between Y.R 5000, and Y.R 6,000 which is much better than working in other areas. He exploits the summer vacation to work in his small project, allocating part of his income for daily expense, and the rest is kept for the rest of the month, some money is sent to his family, and other money is kept when he returns to school to buy his school supplies.
While Nasser, in his fifth decade, said he lost his business in al-Hodeida, and when he did, he came to the mall to sell water. He says: I do not see what I do is wrong, working and trusting on God and relying on self earns you little, but it represents good and blessing, and we support our families and keep them from falling into the circle of poverty."
"Most of the workers here in Mocha were in al-Hodeida, and most of them lost all their possessions, just like me. I lost my Cafeteria, so we came to the Mocha to work on these simple actions until the militias are defeated so that we could return to our previous work."