Brotherhood militias expel Undersecretary of Taiz province from al-Thawra Hospital
English - Monday 22 July 2019 الساعة 08:43 am
Gunmen loyal to the Brotherhood's armed militia expelled Dr. Elan Abdulhak, undersecretary governor of Taiz province, the acting chairman of al-Thawra hospital on Sunday from al-Thawra hospital.
A local source told NewsYemen that the Brotherhood led by Wadhah expelled Dr. Elan Abdulhak from al-Thawra Hospital on Sunday after she suspended employees tampering the hospital backed by armed gangs.
The militia also closed the outpatient clinics, public administration headquarters, offices and human and financial resources at al-Thawra Hospital. The Local Authority did not move to stop the daily armed attacks on the largest government hospitals in the province.
Taiz governor Nabil Shamsan appointed Dr. Elan Abdulhaq to carrying out work as an acting chairman of the hospital earlier this month because of its chairman Dr. Ahmed Anam went on strike.
It is noteworthy that the orthopedic surgeon Dr. Ahmed Anam, the head of the hospital carried out a strike since he and his deputy, Dr. Ahmed Qahtan and a number of employees were attacked by the Brotherhood early in May.
The expulsion of Dr. Elan Abdulhak came a day after the Brotherhood's militia expelled Dr. Abdelrahim al-Samai, the director of the Health Office, from the temporary headquarters of the Health Ministry inside al-Thawra Hospital.
According to the source, the Brotherhood expelled Dr. Abdelrahim al-Samai from his office, and break the office's doors after he refused to pass orders issued by Nashwan al-Husami with a fake stamp on behalf of al-Thawra hospital.
It is noteworthy that the Brotherhood's militias are stationed inside the headquarters of al-Thawra Hospital for three months ago, and reject official directives to leave the hospital until the implementation of the request to dismiss the head of the body, Dr. Ahmed Anam, an non-member of their Brotherhood.