It is not just noise. "Zawamel" Ideological indoctrination prior to military mobilization
English - Saturday 27 July 2019 الساعة 09:33 am
Extremist organizations primarily the Houthi militias, Brotherhood, al-Qaeda and Daesh organizations are using chants, or Zawamel to promote their ideas and rely on them to reach and attract the targeted audience by various means
In Yemen, it is noted that the Houthi terrorist militias use and promote symbols and songs that are full of sectarian expressions, and urge murder and call for the "al-Welayah - State of itself" project, and do not conceal the poles of extremism and criminality such as the Houthis founder Hussein al-Houthi, Hasan Nasr and Khomeini
The Houthi militias rely on Zawamel, a kind of songs, in tickling a Yemen person, especially sons of tribes who are obsessed with those songs that glorifying the courage of the tribes. This is what the militias worked on and developed them in order to quickly achieve more audiences on the ground and on social media
Hezbollah experts know that there is an instinctive inclination among the Yemenis, especially the tribe, towards the "Zawamel / chants," whether Zawamel boast a tribe or take their pride and sing about ability to confront and fight bravely. Thus, the instinctive inclination toward Zawamel helps those who use it to spread their idea among young people and children for mobilization
Zawamel has enjoyed considerable popularity among various pro-Houthis, and the militias succeeded in attracting new members and new tribal fighters after the militias paid money for Sheikhs and dignitaries to ensure the ongoing mobilization campaigns among them as well as to secure the survival of war
Zawamel, Yemeni tradition songs carried out by the Houthi militias, are filled with an ideological indoctrination and a spiritual preparation; take precedence over military training through then followers and supporters are framed in the framework of the broader and more horrific conflict and the falsification of the concepts of good and evil
The Houthi militias aim to attract elements or fighters and frame them through the voice discourse, which are achieved through three levels: emotional, cognitive and behavioral, and thus attempts touching the hearts of sympathizers and potential "customers/fighters", especially adolescents, through the songs and enthusiastic Zawamel, which move the person from the emotional level to the behavioral, according to political environment variables in which they pass
The extremist Zawamel and songs of both the Houthis and the Brotherhood have many important functions for these organizations and their target groups during the recruitment process. In addition to being a psychological and emotional influence tool to attract potential customers, they influence many other aspects: ideological and cultural Political, and organizational fields, as one of the most prominent cultural features of the Houthi terrorist militias
They work to portray the characteristics of the religious culture that are religiously laden, as well as their vision and the contents of their political and ideological discourse