The Houthi Vision Brochure.. A Soft Abduction of the State and Modern Qatranah (1)
English - Monday 09 September 2019 الساعة 09:44 am
Al-Houthi militia continues to penetrate inside the joints and corners of the Yemeni state, exploiting the state of hotel relaxation of the legitimate government and ruminating the differences of parties and national political forces, to seize the political decision of the political capital of the fledgling Yemeni state, kidnapping the republican Yemen away, and receive it as a sacrifice to its patrons in Tehran.
Under a soft-touch banner and bright-looking headlines, the Houthi militia intervenes in the joints of state institutions and administrations with the slogans of the modern civil state, and what it calls a national vision, and what it claims to be a building of the modern Yemeni state. In essence, it assassinates every day the regulations and laws of the state; it spares no effort for blowing up the foundations, elements, standards and concepts of state building, whatever and wherever this state be.
Local anesthesia and family entities parallel to state institutions
The establishment of administrative units and structures, the development of technical and oversight offices, the preparation of executive progress plans, the formation of oversight committees, guidance and executive teams, training workshops and seminars, while most government departments suffer from complete paralysis, unemployment and layoffs of employees, the same functions and competencies and rubber phrases that try Houthi militia marketed as a type of local anesthesia for those you can cheat for some time ..
Disruption of the Constitution and abstinence of laws, a coup against government regulations and programs, stylized kidnapping of the state, and modernization of Qatranah (1), the establishment of entities parallel to state institutions, family dynastic nature of kin, phrases and sentences copied from the programs of parties and plans of previous governments ..
General disregard for citizens
The government of Ibn Habtoor, run by the Houthi militia, failed to meet its minimum commitments in accordance with its supposed government program. Rather than reviewing its performance, it fled to the constructional sentences and loose phrases in the form of the “Decision of the Guidelines Document for the Preparation of the First Phase Plan 2019-2020, within the framework of the National Vision for Building the Modern Yemeni State”.
Commenting on these names, the group's leader and journalist Mohamed al-Maqaleh, the stage does not need what he described as a "national vision or a watermelon vision". He described the talk about visions, the formation of committees, the accomplishment of tasks and the stage of steps as "a big laugh at the people and corruption in the corruption and fallacy of the self and the people."
Whereas politician Mohammed al-Maqaleh sees the Yemeni constitution and current laws as sufficient to achieve the purpose "for those who really wanted to achieve it without procrastination", writer and political analyst Abdulwahab al-Sharafi agrees with the importance of Houthi militia's commitment to law and recognition of the rule of law and rules. He pointed out that "the national vision does not need calligraphy, binding and snapshots," addressing the Houthi authorities in this regard, "Stop corruption first of all your corrupt, be committed to law and order, and you first recognize the rule of law and order."
Al- Sharafi said on his Facebook wall: "Let the state institutions work, stop the interventions of your supervisors and your powerful men; qualify and activate the censorship of all. This is the national vision in two lines".
(1): The story of "Qatranah", occurred during the reign of Ahmed, after the failure of the revolution of 1948, which killed his father Imam Yahya, and he took over the rule.
Imam Ahmed resorted to the trick of Qatranah as a questionnaire to identify loyal opponents of his rule, and on the other hand wants to know the extent of people's awareness.
At the time, he asked the Yemenis to dye their faces with tar oil so that they could easily detect supporters of the constitutional movement that toppled his father.
He then ordered his relatives to broadcast to the public that the jinn (evil) had rebelled against him and proclaimed their disobedience and demanded the parish to “drip” the camel's tar to immunize themselves from the evil of the jinn so that they could be “controlled” by the king of mankind and evil "Ahmed Ja jinnah".
The people believed the matter and the majority came out the next day with their faces covered in tar. The first was done by the First Minister of Imam and his top guard, who were followed by the overwhelming people, who knew nothing of it.
Imam was then at the summit of victory and ecstasy to win the bet on the ignorance of the people, and thus did not respond to calls for change put forward by the free, as he realized that the people still believe in him.
Source: Abdullah al - Bardouni - Republican Yemen