Economists: Hadi and his government have appointed thousands to senior positions in the state
English - Monday 09 September 2019 الساعة 06:06 pm
Over the past four years, the war has caused in the lost of opportunities to generate 600,000 jobs, and unemployment has risen to 75%, and it also caused 45% of Yemenis to lose their jobs.
The economist Sultan Al-Saghir warned in an interview with "Newsyemen" about the dangers of inflation of the state administrative apparatus, which resulted from the absurd appointments in high positions in the state, without standards and no actual need, especially in light of the stage the country is going through. Resources and became a heavy burden on the state and its fragile economy.
Al-Saghir said that the dumping of the state's administrative apparatus with high jobs without tasks, governed by considerations of quotas and control of the joints of the state, raises the current expenditure bill - salaries and wages - and impedes the future economic and social development in Yemen.
Economists confirmed that the decisions of Hadi and his government, helped in the spread of "disguised unemployment" in the state administrative apparatus, through appointments in senior positions, especially provincial agents, undersecretaries of ministries and embassies, without criteria other than partisan quotas and the degree of kinship to government ministers and state leaders, and against every decision announced appointment Ten unspoken assignments are issued.
An economic study showed that Hadi began his first year in governing the control of the sources of national wealth through 35 Republican decisions that enabled him to control the most important and vital public institutions and companies by appointing his associates and loyalists in these institutions, which raised many questions and fears New that Hadi used the demands of the street to change the corrupt as an entrance to tighten his grip on the sources of wealth and public money.
The study pointed out that Hadi had appointed 182 personalities from the Department of Parents and Knowledge in different military positions within less than ten months of taking power, and the number of governors' agents in the governorates of the Republic during the era of 222 agents, which means the financial costs of the public budget.
The study pointed out that Hadi employed tens of thousands in the civil and military apparatus in the country, for political and partisan reasons, and gaining loyalty and monopoly for a longer period of power and wealth, and empowering his entourage and those close to the sources of wealth and public money.According to the state budget for 2014, the number of new employees during 2012-2013 About 200,000 people, most of whom belong to the Islah Party, the branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen.
The study, entitled "The failure of economic and social development policies and plans" by Dr. Taha al-Faseel, professor of economics at Sana'a University, confirmed that Hadi's inability to manage the political and economic files is not due to the factors that emerged during the transitional period, but to the subjective factors directly related to the new elites of power. Abed Rabbo and his entourage, ministers and new officials - and the persistence of factors and manifestations of corruption and the looting of public money, which led to the country's access to what we are today of internal fighting and external interference.
Yemen has become more than its resources.It is estimated that the number of state employees until the beginning of 2019 by about one million and 400 thousand employees, their salaries in addition to pensions of retirees and benefits registered in social security 120 billion riyals per month, but the government does not pay salaries to all employees currently, the fact that 70 One percent of them reside in Houthi-controlled areas.