State of the Brotherhood in Taiz: 20 thousand riyals levy on the occasion of September flags
English - Thursday 26 September 2019 الساعة 04:54 pm
Taiz's army forces in Taiz obliged shopkeepers to raise national flags on the 57th anniversary of the September Revolution.
The army decided to impose a fine of 20,000 riyals on each shop that did not comply with the directives and raise national flags.
Military patrols moved on Thursday morning in a number of streets of the city to implement the decision, while many shops were seen closed for unknown reasons.
This morning, the controversial reformist leader Dhia Al-Haq Al-Ahdal published on his Facebook page a picture of the headquarters of the Axis and wrote a comment on it: “The headquarters of the Axis on the morning of September 26 does not have a Republican flag, while shopkeepers are threatened with a fine in such a situation. "