Jeddah Dialogue: Presidency and government refuse to return to Aden
English - Monday 30 September 2019 الساعة 04:03 pm
A Yemeni political source in Riyadh said that the legitimacy leadership rejects options to return to the interim capital of Aden under a full proposal proposed by the Southern Transitional Council, whose delegation is in the city of Jeddah.
The Transitional Council expressed full and unconditional approval for the return of the President, the Government and public order and service institutions to operate from the interim capital of Aden. According to sources
According to private information, the Southern Transition and his delegation in Jeddah went beyond the point of enabling government institutions and authorities from government headquarters and facilities to fully operate.
The proposal refuses to bring any military forces to Aden.
Because the executive work does not need it, according to the source.
And because that will provide additional factors to return to tension.
The proposal also includes the removal of military forces from all sides, including the southern transition from Aden.
But the hard-line stance of the presidency led to the rejection of practical solutions and options to resolve the dispute, resume government action, remove the causes of tension, and devote themselves to the most important and essential battle towards the Houthi coup.