Qatar sponsors Houthi textbook
English - Saturday 12 October 2019 الساعة 09:14 am
Qatar sponsorsQatar Charity - Yemen Office has announced a tender to print the new edition of the textbook, following the sectarian dimension of Houthi militia changes to the textbook.
The tender came to solve the Ministry of Education, headed by Yahya al-Houthi, brother of militia leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the problem of expenses to print the curriculum modified sectarian impact.
The Qatar Charity - Yemen Office launched a tender, called "Supporting Yemeni Children to Print a Textbook", to print the curriculum that carries Houthi changes of sectarian and sectarian dimension.
The Ministry of Education, which is controlled by the Houthis, in Sana'a, issued a new edition of the textbook carrying substantial changes in the contents, according to the sectarian thought of the Houthi group.