4500 beneficiaries of support "emergency remittances" in the Directorate of Tahita
English - Saturday 12 October 2019 الساعة 03:29 pm
The disbursement of beneficiaries of the emergency remittances project continues in Al-Tahita, the center of the Directorate, south of Hodeidah Governorate.
The support mechanism provided by a World Bank grant under the name “Emergency Remittances” is aimed at beneficiaries enrolled in the Social Welfare Fund (Social Security) database.
The number of beneficiaries in the included in the Tahita 4500 beneficiaries, according to sources.
Remittances are granted twice a year, every six months once. This is the sixth session.
UNICEF is the implementing agency, through the Amal Microfinance Bank, while the outreach process is carried out by Prodigy.