Motion Graphic: Al-Qaeda in the Brotherhood’s Robe
English - Sunday 13 October 2019 الساعة 03:11 pm
Al-Qaeda terrorist organization has returned to areas controlled by the Islah Party militia, the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, in Abyan province, south of Yemen.
The Brotherhood has a long-standing relationship with al-Qaeda. Since the beginning of al-Qaeda terrorism in Yemen, the Islah Party has been tasked with justifying al-Qaeda and turning a blind eye to extremists.
During recent events in the southern governorates of Yemen, Arab coalition fighter jets carried out limited air strikes, targeting al-Qaeda forces between Aden and Abyan, as they mobilized within the Muslim Brءotherhood.
Islah claimed that 300 members of the "National Army" were killed in the air operation of the Arab Coalition, but it evades the disclosure of their names until now.
Newsyemen, on YouTube, publishes a Motion Graphic video showing the relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda, triggered by the return of its militants to areas controlled by the Islah militia in Shabwa and Abyan, in the south of the country