Training program in short films and peace building in Sayun
English - Thursday 24 October 2019 الساعة 05:15 pm
A three-day training program for short films in peacebuilding was held in Sayun, in the eastern Yemeni province of Hadramout, with the participation of 20 trainees.
The program is implemented by the Peacemakers Club in partnership with the German organization Berghof and the Forum for Political Development as part of the "Our Differences, Not Our Disagreements " project in its second phase.
The aim of the program is to train 20 media professionals from the city of Sayun on the concepts of peace-building and conflict resolution, as well as the types and causes of conflicts, the stages of the peace process and how to work on an initiative to advocate peace.
The trainers of the program, Adib Hassan, Khaled Joud and Mahdi Al Mansouri, discussed how to make short films in terms of directing, filming, and writing scenarios, through the presentation of a number of ideas and short stories containing conflicts in local communities.
The director of activities at the Peacemakers Club, Mohamed Bamakhrama, explained that the participants will produce two short films on peace and conflict resolution in local communities to raise awareness of the importance of community cohesion and coexistence in communities.