Islah leaders pass a corrupt aid shipment in Taiz
English - Sunday 01 December 2019 الساعة 04:56 pm
Activists say leaders of the Islah Party are who running relief activities in Taiz have allowed corrupt aid, which is not suitable for human consumption.
Activists, in comments on social media on Facebook, accused Jamil al-Ramsi, director-general of the Directorate of Sabr al-Moadam and the head of its local council, and Abdulmomen Qarada, secretary of the local council supervisor of relief in the directorate to pass those aid, including bags of flour and wheat that their colour have changed and filled with dead insects.
Activists explained that those leaderships, passed a consignment of rotten aid and confirmed its safety, while they were examined by the Director of Trade and Industry Directorate and Distribution Officer Ahmed Abdelmoumen Qarada