In Sana'a, just like in Taiz: the killing of al-Hammadi was a catastrophe, and a consensus that the "Brotherhood" stand behind the crime
English - Sunday 08 December 2019 الساعة 09:19 am
In Sana'a, just like it was Taiz the news of the killing Brigadier General Adnan Al-Hammadi, the commander of the 35th Armored Brigade, was a shock that hit everyone, especially since it came after days of a systematic media campaign launched against Brigadier Al-Hammadi by some media affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen (the Islah Party).
A loss for Yemen
All those who knew him, and even those who did not know him but saw him as the leader who defends their conservatism against the coup militias, even politicians, merchants, journalists, and everyone who has a relationship with public affairs .. They agreed that the killing of Hammadi in that way was a painful blow to a project that was aimed at advancing what is left of the Yemeni army, which was destroyed by conspiracies, resilience and the struggles of the corrupt, who were the main cause of what the country reached.
Muhammad al-Maqtari said, The death of the leader al-Hammadi represents a great loss not for Taiz and for the army resisting the coup militias, but rather for all of Yemen and the republic that al-Hammadi vowed to defend at a time when many military leaders abandoned their sacred and constitutional duty to defend the principles of the revolution, the republic and the homeland.
He added: What distinguishes al-Hammadi from others is that he was imbued with patriotism and the owner of a project that sees in the homeland an objective that must be fought for, and not like the rest, whose personal interests overcame the interests of the country and people, and preferred to go with the spoils and leave the people in Taiz and others to their fate, hunger, disease, misery and deprivation.
Planned issue
Sami Saleh confirms that the issue of the killing of Brigadier Al-Hammadi cannot be as promoted through accounts through social media or some media outlets, and he says: A figure like Brigadier Al-Hammadi assumed the responsibility of defending Taiz and Yemen against the coup militia Houthi and was clear in his engagement with the national issue and its refusal to identify with the Al-Malishanah project, which corresponds to the Houthi project, so he cannot be killed because of a family dispute.
Sami adds: The assassination of Brigadier Al-Hammadi was planned for many months, and it was carried out in a manner that appears as a case of murder or family disagreement, which is clear from the speed with which the information that was circulated about the method of his killing and trying to claim it appeared as a family dispute issue, but it is in fact a case of murder In a calibrated manner, and rather a political assassination of the first degree.
Islah is behind the crime
On the other hand, it is the consensus in the various political and press circles, activists, merchants, and even ordinary people in the capital, Sanaa, that the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen (the Islah Party) are behind the assassination of Brigadier Adnan Al Hammadi, the commander of the 35th Armored Brigade.
And everyone builds their consensus on accusing Al-Islah of being behind the assassination of Brigadier Al-Hammadi, to the Brotherhood professing their hostility to Al-Hammadi for his rejection of their project to deform the national army on the one hand and rejecting their pursuit and insistence on converting Taiz to a dependent and Islah Islamic Emirate, and his insistence to reject these trends, and his insistence that Taiz be a model for Yemen that accepts everyone, and his eagerness to ensure that the army is the guardian of the people and the country with a professional leadership and not an army led by preachers and just payroll received by people who do not exist in the fields and fronts of the fighting.
There is unanimity among the majority of politicians, journalists and activists in the capital, Sanaa, that the Muslim Brotherhood paved the process of assassinating Al-Hammadi with the media campaign that their channels and media outlets led against Brigadier Al-Hammadi and accusing him of false accusations, in addition to that the method of his assassination is very similar to the assassination process that the Muslim Brotherhood is known with, against their opponents, whether in Yemen or in other countries.
Pointing out that the Islah have previously adopted a systematic media campaign against all the conservatives who were appointed in Taiz and refused to submit to their directions and control and all political, military and resistance leaders who stood in the face of a legitimate control of Taiz, as happened with the leader of the National Resistance Abu Al-Abbas.
The consensus in Sanaa about the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen standing behind the assassination of Brigadier Al-Hammadi is consistent with a consensus that exists with the majority of politicians, activists, and media who claim that the assassination of Brigadier Al-Hammadi cannot be merely a family issue as it is intended to be portrayed, but was a full-fledged political assassination crime.