"Al-Masaqara" mobilizes Al-Hada allies ... Houthi holocaust in the absence of witnesses and the failure of the tribes
English - Saturday 14 December 2019 الساعة 02:40 pm
Dozens of dead and wounded, and hundreds of detainees from the families of Al-Masqara in Al-Hada, Dhamar Governorate, under the abuse and brutality of Al-Houthi, and none of the tribes and tribal and social alliances had intervened to stop the injustice, aggression, and support of the people who had a brute force over two days of siege, bombing, breaching, destruction and mass arrests.
While the Houthis imposed a silence on the events taking place in the rural area, far from the center of the governorate, the siege, beatings and kidnappings in the village continued for the third day in a row, and the establishment of Friday prayers in the country was suspended for the first time.
According to private information, the events began on Wednesday when Houthi crews raided the village and stormed a house in search of what they say is property of expatriates that Houthi wants to seize.
In the face of violence and intimidation of women, the man clashed with the gunmen and the village supported him and killed a Houthi militant, before the militias returned with a very large military campaign that targeted the village siege and bombarded it with artillery, heavy artillery and various weapons for two consecutive days. The bombing destroyed many houses, killing and injured in unspecified numbers due to the lack of information and the impossibility of communicating with the residents.
A source close to Al-Masqara confirmed on Friday evening that the Houthi siege of the village continued after a campaign of barbaric raids that affected all homes and carried out by hundreds of Houthi militants, and the number of detainees and kidnappers reached more than two hundred people, including children and of different ages, according to close estimates investigated by Newsyemen
The information indicated that the Houthi gunman, who was killed on Wednesday, was killed when he stormed the family’s home and was inside the kitchen amidst the crowing and terror of the women. Among the victims and the injured are an entire family of a woman, her daughters and her son.
The militias adopted a violent, repressive, uncompromising approach against the regions, villages, and tribal and population gatherings, with the Houthis increasing fears of the possibility of the emergence and creation of local rebellions and rejections and uprisings.
First statement: mobilization of tribal alliance
In a first statement attributed to the people and residents of Al-Masqara, it says:
To all brothers of Al-Hada people, Ziyadi, Bakhiti, Obaidi, sheikhs and dear members of the tribe.
It is clear for you what happened on the village of Al-Maqqara from an unjust and oppressive attack by Ansar Allah from the Al-Hada tribe and what they received from military support and reinforcement from the province, assaulting the sanctities, the symptoms and the souls of the innocent without warning or real accusation, and the subsequent bloodshed, raids of homes and intimidating residents of women and children, displacing their children and arresting the people of the village from their homes and besieging them in horrific ways that are not permitted by the provisions of Islam, our customs, our tribal ancestors, our values, morals and ideals.
So We call on all of you to seriously and effectively circumvent and investigate the facts and do what you see. You are God's successors in his land, and are responsible for the arbitration of his law to make known good and forbid evil, not in terms of incitement and fabrication of temptation but rather as a matter of deterring the oppressor and fairness of the oppressed and the maintenance of symptoms and prohibitions and the arbitration of the law of true Islam and our ancestors and norms The tribalism that our wise grandparents walked, and you are the best successor to the best predecessor.