A Houthi court supports the execution of 4 kidnapped for "collaborating" with the coalition
English - Monday 16 December 2019 الساعة 09:40 am
The Houthi militia issued rulings, through a court it controls in Sanaa, to execute four kidnapped in its prisons on trumped-up charges.
Human rights sources said that the Specialized Criminal Appellate Division of Sanaa issued four death sentences against four kidnapped for "collaborating with the Arab coalition."
It explained that the death sentences were issued against: Muhammad Hadi Dhafer, Ali Muhammad Ali Al-Husseini, Ahmed Dhaif Allah Al-Hamwi and Abdul Majeed Abdul Hamid Muhammad Allous.
According to lawyer Abdul Majeed Sabra, the judgments issued by the Appeal Division in Sanaa came in support of the preliminary rulings that required the execution of the four kidnapped and seize the seizures.
It is noteworthy that the Supreme Judicial Council in Aden canceled the specialized criminal court in the capital Sana'a at the end of last April, and transferred its jurisdiction to the city of Marib