Marib security kidnaps 'sick', tortures
English - Monday 16 December 2019 الساعة 07:06 pm
Security forces loyal to Al-Islah, the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, kidnapped a young man from Marib, suffering from mental disorders, and imprisoned him in a secret prison in the provincial capital.
Ali Hadi Muthani said Marib security kidnapped his brother ( Dahan Hadi Muthanna) on Friday, pointing out that the latter was unarmed and suffering from a psychological condition.
He added that they tried in every way to find out why his brother was kidnapped but did not receive a response from the Brotherhood's security in Marib, and refused to deliver the doses of treatment the kidnapper takes on a daily basis.
Muthanna reported that a member of the security forces from Marib informed them that the kidnapper (Dahan) was subjected to torture in the prison where he is being held, by the Security Council of the Brotherhood, and urged them to move quickly to get him out of detention.
In a communication on his Facebook account, the brother of the forcibly abducted man appealed to humanitarian organizations and the media to make the issue of "Dahan", a public opinion issue, and to expose the crimes of the Brotherhood in Marib city, stressing that their practices "criminal militancy practices target the people of Marib province and violate their rights." ".