Brotherhood and Houthis are two sides for the same coin
English - Monday 16 December 2019 الساعة 09:12 pm
Days after it implemented closing campaigns for cafes and women's beauty shops in the capital, Sana'a, the Houthi militia, started a campaign to compel primary school students to wear headscarves even for those in the first grades.
Educational sources in the capital said that the so-called cultural supervisors affiliated with the militias carried out a campaign last week to a number of public and private schools in the capital and gave them instructions that included the necessity of imposing the wearing of the veil on all students, including pre-school students and early grades, on the pretext that this is a religious duty and a moral norm, in addition to the separation of male and female students, even in the morning assembly, on the pretext that it is forbidden.
The sources added that a number of principals of private schools objected to these Houthi directives on the pretext of not having the ability to impose this on parents or obliging them to do so because they teach their children in exchange for money unlike public schools, but the militia supervisors threatened the principals of these schools to impose fines against them until they withdraw their licenses and school closings in the event that they do not comply with these directions.
The educational sources describe the policies that the capital schools are witnessing that militias implement as extreme measures, similar to those implemented by Islamic extremist movements such as Al Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood.
According to the sources, the Houthi leader, the head of the presidential office, Ahmed Hamed (Abu Mahfoudh), the Houthi leader, and a member of the Executive Office of the Militias, Qasim al-Hamran (Abu-Kawthar), are the ones who oversee the implementation of strict procedures, imposing the headscarf, separation of girls and boys, and closing cafes, as well as using the preachers of mosques in launching expiation and treason campaigns, and false accusations against girls and youth, especially students who take language courses at the institutes.
In a related context, militia speakers, last week, launched campaigns against visitors of cafes and students of foreign language institutes, accusing them of disbelief, immorality and the practice of vice, and called for maximum penalties against them, including the closure of those cafes and even foreign language teaching institutes
Hamid and Al-Hamran are among the most militant and militant leaders of the Houthi militia and fanaticism, and they supervise the cultural side within the Houthi movement, and they also oversee the holding of sectarian courses that force the militias of all state employees to attend by force, in addition to mobilizing youth and young people to attend these courses through sheikhs.
The educational sources that Newyemen spoke to describe the actions that the Houthi militia is taking to reflect their sectarian and intellectual militancy as similar to those implemented by the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen during its control of education and scientific institutes.
The educational sources that Newyemen spoke to describe the actions that the Houthi militia is taking to reflect their sectarian and intellectual militancy as similar to those implemented by the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen during its control of education and scientific institutes.
The sources say: Everyone remembers what the Islah and its leaders were practicing in imposing veils and black clothes, either on schoolgirls or on women in general, and issuing fatwas and banning the legalization of young marriage and other religious strictures.
It continued: Perhaps what the Houthi militia practiced in this aspect is not very different from the Brotherhood's militancy except in the final goal that the Houthi militia wants, which is to recognize its right to rule through the state’s lie, while the Brotherhood’s project aims to acknowledge the falsehood of the caliphate.
The sources added that religious ideology and practices, whether practiced by the Brotherhood previously or currently practiced by the Houthis, are not related to religion as they have to do with the process of trading and financial enrichment by controlling the clothing market that they claim is Islamic and is the black dress (Abaya, scarfs , veils, etc.) and most of them are owned by merchants from the brotherhood, which is currently happening with the Houthi militias that entered into commercial competition for the clothing market they claim to be Islamic.
The sources pointed out that a number of leaders of the Houthi militia, including Hamed and Al-Hamran and others, now have companies importing fabrics that they seek to impose on people, bearing in mind that the Houthi militia has begun to introduce clothes similar to Iranian.
Adding that the mutilation of young people and students who study foreign languages aims to make them ignorant on the one hand and restrict the process of receiving education in foreign languages to the children of the leaders of the Houthi militias, as were the Brotherhood leaders who were exhorting people to join scientific institutes while their children receive education in foreign schools and institutes.
The sources warned of the danger of the projects of the Houthi militia, which point to extremist projects, pointing out that just as the Brotherhood’s control of scientific institutes produced extremist terrorist elements, Houthi’s control over education will also produce more dangerous terrorists.