The Islah party’s decision is linked to the assassination of Al Hammadi
English - Sunday 22 December 2019 الساعة 01:22 pm
The director of the military judiciary, Abdullah al-Hadhri, loyal to General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, issued a decision assigning a "teacher" from the Islah party, to the post of acting military prosecutor in Taiz.
A special source told "Newsyemen" that the person appointed to the position of Acting Military Prosecutor in Taiz is called "Mohammed Hassan" and works as an "educational instructor" in the Education Office of Mowze’ Directorate.
It explained that the appointed member belongs to the Islah party, the local branch of the Brotherhood organization, and does not have any legal capacity for the assignment decision.
It pointed out that the decision of the director of the military judiciary to grant "Hassan" the status of (Colonel Judge), in clear forgery, because Hassan is an education employee, and not a member of the army or the military judiciary.
It stated that the law requires a member of the Military Prosecution, to be an officer in the army and a graduate of a military college and holds a Bachelor of Sharia and Law, and this is not what applies to the Muslim Brotherhood.
According to "Newsyemen" sources, the Brotherhood forcibly prevented the former prosecutor, Colonel Judge Abdulaziz al-Abbasi, from practicing his work for more than two years, despite the existence of explicit directives from the public prosecutor on his return to office.
The sources revealed that the Abbasi military prosecutor, who was prevented by the Brotherhood from carrying out his work, was a colleague of the martyr, Brigadier Adnan al-Hammadi, and his close friends, which made Ali Mohsen's "al-Hadhri" appoint a Muslim Brotherhood teacher to replace him, as a pre-emptive step to dilute the murder of the commander of the 35-armored brigade.
The source asserted that Al-Hadhri has forged official documents to give himself the status of director of the Military Judicial Department, while he is the chief prosecutor of the Fifth Military Region, and he has no decision to appoint to the Military Judicial Department and he granted himself the rank of major general without any Republican decision to do so.
The source affirmed that Al-Islah party's involvement in the assassination of Brigadier General Adnan Al-Hammadi made them move to these steps, in an attempt to anticipate the results of the investigation and dilute the case, especially after the presidential investigation committee arrested a number of Brotherhood members involved in the assassination and transferred them to Aden