Al Houthi militia refuses to give information to Qataran’s family
English - Thursday 26 December 2019 الساعة 03:35 pm
Conference journalist colleague Sultan Qataran is still kidnapped by the Houthi militia, which has refused to give information about him until now since his kidnapping in the middle of this month.
Conference sources in Sanaa confirmed that the Houthi militia is holding colleague Qataran in the Political Security prison without charge. The Houthi militia refuses to provide Qataran family with any information about the reason for his kidnapping and forced detention or the charge against him.
But other sources indicated that the kidnapping of the Houthi militia to the journalist, Qataran , was due to his relationship with the Canaan Society of Palestine, headed by Yahya Muhammad Abdullah Saleh, the son of the brother of the martyr Ali Abdullah Saleh, whose militia seized their property in violation of the constitution and the law.
Colleague Sultan Qataran is one of the press conference leaders who worked in Al-Mithaq newspapers, May 22nd, Al-Moamarnet website, and headed the editor of Hadramout News, in addition to his work in the activities of the General People's Media Conference at the level of the conference branch in the Capital Secretariat and the third circle.