Tariq Saleh: We reach out to those who are trying to antagonize us
English - Saturday 28 December 2019 الساعة 05:42 pm
Brigadier General Tariq Muhammad Abdullah Saleh said, Saturday, December 28, 2019: “I assure it once and a thousand: Those who try to antagonize us, we say to them: We extend our hands to you to fight Houthi with you. We will never be a party to any fighting in the liberated areas.”
Addressing the graduates of the artillery, Saleh said: "We renew through you an invitation to all the people of Yemen, to line up against this priestly gang. They are our enemy, and they are the enemy of the Yemenis, and they are the ones who brought these wars to Yemen."
Brigadier General Tariq revealed that the joint forces in the West Coast received all the camps from the coalition: We received camps from the brothers, whether in the Sudanese forces or the Emirati forces, we received their entire camps, and now the responsibility of the West Coast, is the responsibility of the joint forces.
He said: "Our rifles are aimed at Houthi and not other than Houthi."
He added: "Our goal is one, which is Houthi, our goal is crystal clear, our goal is Sana'a, the capital of Yemen."