Dowid: Soleimani's killing "a successful blow" to the Iranian axis

English - Saturday 04 January 2020 الساعة 10:33 am

Brigadier-General Sadeq Dowid, a spokesman for the National Resistance, said that the killing of Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force, was a "successful blow" suffered by the Iranian axis.

Dowid pointed out, during the weekly Yemeni Forum session in Mocha, on Friday, January 3, 2019, that Soleimani, the tools and arms of the Iranian project, devoted themselves to the blood of Iraqis and Syrians, and behind the destructive plans in Yemen, targeting the Gulf states and regional and Arab national security.

In this context, Brigadier-General Sadeq Dowid said, in his Twitter account, on Friday, "Iran will not dare to respond directly to America, but it will respond via its offspring: The Houthis in Yemen, and the crowd in Iraq, both of which are unable to reach American goals. All they can do is harm the interests of their people. "

The weekly Newsyemen Forum witnessed a large attendance and wide participation from representatives of Mokha and its localities, members of the local authority and executive offices, and presented the public debate and the participation of the national resistance and the representative of the Emirati Red Crescent, the issues scheduled for the forum related to service, development and security priorities.