The second wing of the evil triangle in the region ... Islah and its own battles

English - Monday 13 January 2020 الساعة 03:37 pm

Islah party in their speech escalates and creates marginal issues that aggravate everyone towards an unknown fate of the country and caused a lot of discord and division and rivalries at the same time as some of its young leaders talk about the dangers of unity split and the need to unite to confront the coup and restore everything that the militia took away.

Sometimes they expiate the alliance and mobilizes their supporters against the Emirates, and talks about the necessity of Saudi Arabia's presence as a balanced number in the Yemeni case, and goes against their speech towards Saudi Arabia by attacking the Saudi presence in Al-Mahrah and considering it an occupation as they described the Emirati presence in Aden.

The Islah calls for the necessity of preserving unity and the survival of the south and the people of the south as a second wing for Yemen, but it goes too far to criminalize and attack the transitional council, and incites with it and with it many southern components, despite its prior knowledge that the transitional council constitutes an important number in the south and is at the forefront of the political and military landscape.

These opportunistic stances of the Islah party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, reveal that the party does not have its decision, as are the Houthi militia militias, the Iranian arm in Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula ... meaning that their decision is in the hands of the guide ... because they agree even in the name of the supreme authority of the two parties, Brotherhood guide and Iran's guide

According to the requirements of reality, a large and important party in the Yemeni arena remains its position on many issues of concern and follow-up to the street, elites and even those who are interested and those who are related to the repercussions of the current situation in Yemen, but the reality makes Islah just an opportunistic alliance that includes groups and centers of presence and influence that are racing to win positions.

The Islah that repeats its declared position on the Houthi militia and its continuation of the war against them, is those who went to the south to invade Aden coming from Sarwah in Marib and from Nahm in Sanaa

In Shabwa, Islah recruited its soldiers, attacked the tribes, and dismantled an important security force that was credited with expelling al-Qaeda and ISIS cells from vast areas on a triangle connecting 4 governorates: Hadramout, Shabwa, Abyan, and Ma'rib ... where he made the Shabwana elite an enemy and al-Qaeda in the east of the country an ally.

The persistence of this absurdity practiced by Islah in front of the Arab coalition movements and sincere forces facing the Iranian project in Yemen means that Islah has become the second militia wing of sabotage in Yemen, and if the Houthi militias are linked to the Iran project, then the Brotherhood's ties also reach the alleged Sultan Erdogan Palace in Ankara And limp on Doha, and all three axis targeting the coalition and the Gulf specifically across Yemen.