Hays honors the leaders of the seventh and eleventh giants for their support in the educational process

English - Thursday 16 April 2020 الساعة 09:59 am
Hays, Newsyemen, private

Under the auspices of the Director General of Hays District in Al Hodeidah Governorate, Mutahar Al Qadi, the Education Department of the Directorate honored the leaders of the 7th and 11th Brigade Giants for their efforts in supporting the educational process.

The director of the Department of Education, Hays A.  Ahmed Bakri to Newsyemen, Honoring certificates of appreciation is a symbolic expression of a little gratitude and appreciation to the leader of the seventh brigade of giants, Brigadier Ali Al-Kinini, member of the Joint Command, and the staff of the war of the eleventh brigade, giants of the commander, "Abdul Rahman Dubleh" for the efforts exerted for the continuity of the educational process in the directorate.  .

 Bakri stressed that this honor came sympathetically to what the educational administration and schools touched on the charitable side, and the continuous and service support from the seventh and eleventh giants, in facilitating the education process, and delivering educational curricula from peach to Hayes and at their own expense, within the framework of the normalization of life in the directorate.

Pointing out that this continuous support in the educational aspect has alleviated the continuous suffering faced by the Education Department, due to the lack of operational expense for the educational administration that the state has not yet approved, since the Directorate is considered to be among the liberated districts and directorates in the coast Tohami.