A citizen is killed by Houthi shelling on the market of Hesse

English - Saturday 02 May 2020 الساعة 10:09 pm
aden, newsyemen

Houthi militias continue to target residential neighborhoods, markets and roads, causing the death of a citizen in the city of Hesse in Hodeidah.

According to a Newsyman correspondent, the militias opened a barrage of machine-gun fire at residential neighborhoods and the public market in the city center.

Abdullah Mohammed Abdulaziz al-Ramadi was shot while in the market, he said.

Dr. Najib Nazali, director of the medical point of the 11th Brigade Giants, said: The citizen was injured in the abdominal area and was given to us at the medical point and was given first aid and transferred to bokeh, but he died.

The Hesse market has been under constant bombardment and targeting by militias that hit the city's neighborhoods and communities and population center, and civilian casualties have been reported among martyrs and wounded at various times.

On Friday, militias again shelled residential neighbourhoods in Hess district with 82-120-caliber mortar shells and hauser artillery shells violently and hysterically, opened fire with their medium weapons from areas stationed on citizens' homes, using medium-sized 14.5-caliber, 12.7-caliber machine guns, sniper sorority and becca, which continued for hours, leaving the population in a state of terror.

On Thursday, two attacks by militias in less than 24 hours were foiled and broken by joint forces in Hesse, 7th and 11th Giants.