The conclusion of a training course in the field of water and environmental sanitation in Mouzea

English - Saturday 13 June 2020 الساعة 02:54 pm
Mouze, Newsyemen, Private:

On Friday in Mouzea district, the training course on water monitoring and environmental sanitation organized by the World Youth Council was concluded.

19 trainees participated in the five-day course, from Mouzea, Al-Ma’afar and Jabal Hubashi, to educate citizens about how to prevent epidemic diseases spread through drinking water and environmental health.

The course sought to qualify a team that works to improve water by placing chlorine in the drinking water tanks of citizens, or those of the displaced.

We have created teams specialized in educating citizens about how to make the water clean and how to get it in the simplest way to preserve their health, said the course coordinator at Mouzea Directorate, Ibrahim Al-Hassani.

For his part, the instructor of the course, Eng. Ahmed Al-Beheiri, emphasized that the aim of the implementation of the course is to educate citizens, especially the displaced and those living in rural areas, about how to avoid the spread of diseases, such as cholera and schistosomiasis, which affect the safety of citizens.

Al-Beheiri added, in order to protect the health of citizens and to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining clean water, we have trained teams of young people, distributed among educational teams, monitoring teams for water points and chlorination of water tanks in various ways.