Closure of bakeries in Mocha refused to abide by the prices and weights of the bread

English - Sunday 14 June 2020 الساعة 05:45 pm
Mocha, Newsyemen, private:

Last night, the security forces arrested nine bakery owners, on the grounds of their refusal to reduce prices and the obligation that the weight of one bread be at least 50 grams.

The manager of the Office of Trade and Industry in Mocha, Munir Al-Ariqi, said, while he was in the Security Department, the owners of ovens and bakeries must adhere to a weight of 50 grams per one bread, provided that its price would be 25 riyals instead of 35 riyals.

Al-Ariqi added, during a statement to Newsyemen, that the detainees will not be released unless they commit to selling a kilo of bread or roti for 500 riyals.

The Office of Industry and Trade believes that what bakery owners do undermines efforts to stabilize the living conditions of the residents of Mocha, but the bakery owners said that the high price of bread and roti is linked to the high price of flour, as the price of a 50 kg bag is about 14,500 riyals.

They said, the price hikes that have also occurred in starch, yeast and workers’ wages make their work in their bakeries useless.

Muhammad Al-Ghanami supported the action taken by the Bureau of Industry and Trade and the Security Department to arrest the owners of the bakeries.

Al-Ghanami said that the prices of flour increased in previous years to 25,000 riyals, while there was no increase in the price of bread.

He added that the owner of the Al-Ezzi bakery was not arrested because of his commitment to sell the kilo for 500 riyals and at a weight of 50 grams per one.

 A number of bakeries were seen on Sunday morning, completely closed, and that reopening them again is linked to what the Office of Trade, Industry and Security Management will find with its owners.