Taiz cemeteries ... unprecedented overcrowding in the time of corona and epidemics

English - Thursday 18 June 2020 الساعة 04:31 pm
Taiz, Newsyemen, private:

The cemeteries of Taiz governorate have witnessed unprecedented overcrowding since the beginning of June, with the spread of Corona virus and 6 different epidemics.

The price of graves in the city rose to twenty thousand riyals, and it is expected that their prices will rise in the coming days, with the de-facto authorities deciding to prevent the burial of the deceased except with official directions.

 Those responsible for the graves of Al-Saeed and Al-Ajinat in the governorate of Taiz confirmed that between 15 and 20 bodies were buried daily for corona deaths and other diseases.

Those responsible for these graves at the Al-Ajinat Cemetery in Al-Mudhafar directorate and Al-Saeed in Asifra confirmed during a reconnaissance tour of Newsyemen the reception of dead bodies ranging from 15 to twenty during the last days.

 They pointed out that the deceased were buried by their families without permission from the concerned authorities to issue burial licenses.

 During the last three days, those responsible for these graves refused to receive any bodies except with permission from the security authorities.

There are seven cemeteries in the city of Taiz, which are "Al-Ajinat, Al-Saeed, Habil Salman, Cemetery of Wadi Al-Tabdud, Wadi Al-Madam, Tha'bat and Sina", all of which receive many deaths officially.

 Recently, the endowments of Taiz were issued to prevent burial in all the graves of the governorate, except with an official burial permit, from the official authorities represented by the police services in the governorate.

The director of the Endowments Office, Taiz Khaled Al-Barakani, said in a press statement that this measure comes to count the number of deaths from coronavirus.

 And the Corona pandemic emergency committee announced on Wednesday that it recorded five cases of the virus out of seven suspected cases where laboratory tests were carried out.

 According to the committee, the total number of laboratory cases that were confirmed to be infected with the Coronavirus reached 204, including 48 deaths, while the number of recovery cases reached 22.

In the context, a source in the health office in Taiz governorate told Newsyemen that a number of private hospitals are expelling some patients, especially those who suffer from chronic diseases, on the pretext that they may be infected with the emerging coronavirus.

He added that private hospitals, most of which are affiliated with the Islah Party, adding that they have not committed to adopting personal protection methods for health workers, which is a contempt for the decisions of the Health Office.