The arrival of a prominent officer on the western coast escaped the grip of the Houthi militia

English - Monday 22 June 2020 الساعة 09:35 am
Hodeidah / Mocha, Newsyemen:

On Saturday, a senior officer managed to escape the grip of the Houthi militia (Iran's arm in Yemen), after reaching the liberated areas of the West Coast.

A military source said that an officer with the rank of colonel was able to reach the liberated areas, and he will make during the coming hours press releases about the plans that the militias intended to implement in the West Coast.

According to the source, the officer had recently met a Houthi militia military leader with the intention of planning subversive actions in the districts of the West Coast, but he was able to escape the grip of the militia.

The plans of the Houthi militias were targeted, through sabotage acts, to confuse the public security and tranquility with which the liberated directorates in the West Coast are blessed, as well as social symbols and national resistance leaders, according to the same source.