The people of Mouzea are calling for activating the supervisory authorities to control prices

English - Wednesday 24 June 2020 الساعة 03:17 pm
Mouzea, Newsyemen, Private:

Residents of Mouzea Directorate demanded the agencies and supervisory authorities to go out to the markets and shops to control the prices of food and supplies.

They told Newsyemen that food prices witnessed an unprecedented rise during the month of June, at a time when some families are experiencing dwindling purchasing power due to weak financial incomes.

They added that the price increase included food and supplies, as traders raise prices the way they want, without fear of regulatory bodies that are absent from exercising their role.

They explained that traders raise prices when the exchange rate rises against the riyal, and when it declines, the prices remain the same.

People of Mouzea blame the supervisory authorities, whose absence allowed food dealers to manipulate the prices however they wanted.