The return of the internet service in Hadhramaut after a two-days of interruption

English - Thursday 23 July 2020 الساعة 04:53 pm
Seiyun, Newsyemen, Private:

The Internet service (ADSL) returned to the whole of Hadhramaut Governorate, yesterday evening Wednesday, after a break of about (34) hours.

The interruption occurred after a breakdown in a cable for the mobile optical fiber for the Internet service east of Wadi Hadhramaut due to the heavy rain.

Specialized engineers worked on the return of the Internet by repairing the cable in the late evening hours from Tuesday evening until Wednesday afternoon.

Satellite Internet and data messaging service met a wide spread in exchange shops, banks, media, and service offices related to data transmission after the poor quality of the Yemennet service and its interruption at separate times during the year, sometimes lasting for weeks.

 Statistics show that the general directorates of Wadi hadhramaut and the desert districts are active with (17 thousand) internet points.