The spread of fevers and watery diarrhea in Hays .. The rural hospital lacks medicine

English - Wednesday 19 August 2020 الساعة 04:02 pm
Hays, Newsyemen, Exclusive:

 Hays Rural Hospital suffers from a severe shortage of medicines and medical supplies, at a time when fevers and diarrhea are common, especially among children.

Hays Hospital receives between 100 to 150 sick cases daily, most of them children suffering from fevers such as malaria, dengue and acute diarrhea.

A source in the Hays Health Office confirmed that these diseases have spread widely during the past period.  Due to the rains and torrents that the region witnessed, leaving ponds and swamps in the district's neighborhoods, which caused a wide spread of mosquitoes that transmit these epidemics.

 A number of patients complained that they were unable to obtain medicines in the hospital due to the complete lack of them, which prompted them to resort to private clinics.

A citizen told a Newsyemen reporter that he took his youngest son, who suffers from severe diarrhea, to Hays Hospital, which provides services to patients around the clock, but he was surprised by the hospital’s lack of the simplest treatment and medication requirements that were provided to patients for free.

He added that the hospital’s lack of medicines prompted him to seek refuge in a private clinic, with the bill he could not afford.

He explained that Hays Hospital used to give all medicines to patients and arrivals free of charge, and it alleviated their suffering in light of the difficult financial conditions.

He was not the only citizen, but there are hundreds of citizens and IDPs residing in Hays who take their children to clinics and search for medicine at exorbitant prices and living conditions that do not allow them to do so.

Private clinics witness a lot of citizens 'reception and overcrowding in patients' beds, while children are the most affected by fevers and acute diarrhea.

The parents issued an urgent appeal to all concerned authorities, government and local and international organizations to speed up the rescue of their children and provide the hospital with all necessary treatments to alleviate their suffering due to their difficult living conditions in light of the futile war created by the Houthi militia, the Iranian arm in Yemen.