Population: The supply of foodstuffs to the displaced camps in Mocha is insufficient unless it is accompanied by awareness campaigns

English - Monday 12 October 2020 الساعة 10:25 am
Mocha, NewsYemen, Exclusive:

Near the Al Haseeb camp for the displaced in Mocha, the remnants of plastic waste were widely dispersed, which expresses the extent of its residents' lack of the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of the place where they spend their most difficult days.

It also clearly shows that providing food aid to the displaced is not sufficient unless this is accompanied by awareness campaigns on the importance of public hygiene.

Residents of the camp, which includes about 60 displaced families from Hodeidah, say that dumping waste creates an unclean environment and is a catalyst for the spread of epidemics, especially mosquitoes that find suitable places to breed.

Residents of Al Haseeb camp complain of malaria, which is caused by exposure to insects, which transmit diseases spread in the camp. This is because the mosquito infestation has doubled with the litter that the population discards.

Some believe that the lack of rubbish drums pushes them to throw it around the camp, using the lack of sanitation workers as an excuse to dispose of it in the open.

While the number of displaced people in the camp increases due to the arrival of new families, the toilets are no longer sufficient, which forces some to seek shelter in the open.

According to humanitarian organizations, the number of displaced people in Mocha is about 2,500 families who fled the areas controlled by the Houthi militia, but their numbers this year are increasing significantly.