Joint Forces Medical Services imprison 5 doctors in the field hospital in Mocha

English - Sunday 17 January 2021 الساعة 03:29 pm
Mocha, NewsYemen, Exclusive:

Five doctors working in the field hospital of the joint forces in Mocha complained that they had been imprisoned for one day by the medical services to force them to move and work in Al-Khokha Hospital by force, despite the fact that the transfer interfered with their family conditions and their meager financial income.

They said in a written letter that soldiers broke into their residence and took them on board a military kit by force, to be imprisoned within a day in order to push them to accept the transfer without objection.

They pointed out that charges of not implementing military orders were brought against them, at a time during which they were threatened with punishment, even though they are doctors working in a civilian hospital, and they were never soldiers in the joint forces.

They explained that their salaries for the month of December were transferred to the statements of employees in Al-Khokha, although they worked in the field hospital in Mocha during that period, in a procedure that shows the medical services did not respond to their demands to stay in Mocha alongside their families.

They stressed that they no longer have a desire to work in the field hospital due to the low salaries that are not commensurate with working in another city away from their families, which may cost them renting new apartments and bearing additional financial burdens that they are unable to.