Mining the society.. An Imami legacy in the Houthi suit
English - Thursday 20 July 2023 الساعة 09:37 am
As part of its continuous efforts to dismantle the social fabric, the Houthi group, Iran's arm in Yemen, continues to nurture disputes between tribes in its areas of control, as part of its attempts to keep society in a state of division that guarantees its survival as a de facto authority.
The dynastic project, represented by Iran's arm in Yemen, relies on a strategy of divide and rule, which aims to strike tribes and social components together, to preoccupy them in inter-wars and feuds that extend for years, in order to secure their presence - the Houthi group - in light of its constant feeling of fear of the unity of the Yemeni ranks that reject its project. frontal.
Recently, armed confrontations have been renewed between tribal gunmen from the family of Beit al-Shahari, and others from the family of Beit al-Damini and al-Wasili, in the isolation of Khabbaz in the district of al-Udayn, west of Ibb governorate, which is under the authority of the coup group, which resulted in the siege of many of the people of the region.
The clashes come against the background of a tribal conflict that has been going on for years. However, Houthi leaders in the region have been involved in fueling the conflict, which has turned into a tribal war, in which more than thirteen people have been killed or wounded in the past months, in addition to the burning of a number of citizens' homes.
Imami tradition
While the Tehran camp in Yemen is fanning tribal and societal differences between the Yemenis, observers see that what the Houthi group is doing in terms of fueling tribal conflicts and wars comes as a natural extension of the Imamate policy from which the necks of Yemenis were liberated with the revolution of September 26, 1962 .
In this context, journalist Salah al-Jundi says: "The survival of the Imamate during its rule in Yemen depended on the strategy of dismantling Yemeni societies and striking them together, in order to ensure their division and their preoccupation in inter-war wars."
Al-Jundi added in his interview with "Newsyemen": "The unity of the Yemeni tribe and its mitigation of inter-conflicts and wars was one of the most important concerns of the Imamate, as it was aware of the danger of the Yemeni society emptying itself of criticism of its mistakes and dark projects."
He pointed out that "the Houthi group today is working to revive the Imamate heritage itself, as it seeks to create division among the Yemenis, to ensure its stability without fear of the society overthrowing its authority in the event that they unite and come out with revolutionary activity that threatens its existence."
He pointed out that "what is happening in the Al-Adain district of tribal conflict between several families in the isolation of Khabbaz, is one example of what the group is trying to impose on the various Yemeni tribes."
He said, "The involvement of the Houthi group in fueling this conflict between the tribes of Ibb governorate reveals the true identity of the Houthi project and its ambition to expand at the expense of the Yemeni people, by undermining their security and stability."
Houthi practice
Since the beginning of its war against the Yemenis, the Houthi group has directed its gunmen to target the opposing tribes, while it has implicated other tribes in imaginary alliance with it to push them into conflicts with the rest of the social components, thus revealing Iran's arm and one of the worst means by which it targeted the Yemeni tribe.
In this context, the journalist writer and political analyst Abdul Wasea Al-Fataki says: “After the Houthi militia seized power and state institutions with its armed coup on September 21, 2014 AD, it deliberately, by all means, to tear the social fabric and dismantle the Yemeni tribe as a social component, which the Houthi militia fears will play a pivotal role.” In resisting its influence or leading Yemeni society in any popular revolution that might overthrow it.
Al-Fataki added in his interview with "NewsYemen": "Therefore, the Houthi militia was keen to remove the tribe from the social and even political equation, by stoking tribal conflicts and revenge, and expanding the area of strife between the tribes, by supplying the parties to the tribal conflicts with weapons, so that the Yemeni tribes continue to be preoccupied with internal fighting while between them.”
He pointed out that "the continuation of these conflicts provides an opportunity for the Houthi militia to weaken tribes and societies, tighten control over them, and bring their sons to their knees, as well as distracting the tribes from the Houthi violations committed against the tribe and its sons."
He continued, "Just as the Houthi militia exploited and continues to exploit political divisions, it also exploits social divisions, foremost of which are tribal conflicts, doing its best to stoke them and increase tension, to fragment the Yemeni social cohesion represented by the Yemeni tribe."
He stated that "the Houthi group considers the tribe a national extension, which previously played a major role in removing the house of Hamid al-Din from power, and if it were allowed to move, the Houthi dynasty project would fall, and thus weakening and humiliating the Yemeni tribe is its main goal, and it will only be achieved through the outbreak of tribal conflicts and clan differences." ".
He pointed out that "in front of the Yemeni tribe, its sheikhs, and all wise men and wise men in it, resolve their differences according to Sharia or tribal customs, cut off the road to the Houthis, and miss the opportunity for them to exploit any dispute or conflict, to turn it into a tribal war that only the Houthi militia benefits from."
He concluded by saying: "Those with opinion and advice in the tribe must take at the hands of the mutated tribesmen who drag their tribes into fighting, bloodshed and revenge spread, in contentious issues that can be resolved through the judiciary, or even by tribal arbitration."