Islah militias dropped Abyan on Twitter. And the belt forces have declared the entire province under control.
English - Wednesday 28 August 2019 الساعة 08:27 am
Military and field developments, particularly in Abyan province, accelerated on Tuesday, and the facts revealed the stories that were extensively circulated by the Brotherhood and their supporters in the media and through social media sites, last night and into the morning, about the situation in the province and its capital Zanzibar
While the Brotherhood dropped Abyan, Zanzibar, Shaqra, Ahour and Lauder on Twitter fronts, the Abini security belt forces announced on Tuesday the completion of securing the province's areas
The 115th Brigade in Lauder, a former brigade that was captured by the euphoria of victory in Shabwa, was shot down by the support and support forces of the Security Belt in Abyan province, the same day
It was not midday until the Belt forces completed the taking and neutralization of the 115th Brigade in Lauder
For its part, the support and support forces completed the defeat of al-Islah militias from Ahour and Shaqra and took control of them
The security belt forces subsequently announced that Abyan was fully under their control