Two families refuse to bury their dead sons in Houthis graves
English - Saturday 09 November 2019 الساعة 05:18 pm
Local sources said two families from the Sufian and Muhtadi families in Jibla district refused to bury two of their sons in the so-called "Meadow of Martyrs" after being killed in the ranks of the Houthi militia in the northern province of Saada.
The sources added that the two dead are Abdul Ilah Mohammed al-Muhtadi, and Raed Mohammed Sufian, were buried in the cemetery "Mahantan" directorate of Jableh, while two others were killed in the cemetery of the militia called "Meadow of Martyrs."
It pointed out that Abdul Ilah and Raed families accuse the leaders of the Houthi militia of taking their sons to fight without their knowledge.