Ibn Daghr says the length of the existing legitimacy until "passing the constitution and holding elections"

English - Thursday 09 January 2020 الساعة 08:33 am

The adviser to the President of the Republic, Dr. Ahmed Obaid bin Daghr, affirmed, on Wednesday, many military, security and political steps in the implementation of the Riyadh agreement.

Ibn Daghr, Chairman of the Political Committee tasked with the President to follow the steps of implementing the agreement, during his meeting in Riyadh, British Ambassador to Yemen, Michael Aaron, said that the agreed steps "will be implemented in conjunction with the appointment of the governor and director of Aden Security during the coming period will be announced." .

He added, "The implementation of the Riyadh Agreement in full of its provisions will end military conflicts within Aden and the surrounding provinces."

The Presidential Adviser, who heads the Political Committee, said that the existing legitimacy "should not be considered abandoning it before the constitution is approved, referendum on it and elections are held."