Motion Graphics: Who fights at Marib and Al-Jawf?

English - Sunday 12 April 2020 الساعة 03:26 pm
Aden, Newsyemen , private :

During the past two months, the Houthi militia, the Iranian arm in Yemen, has achieved significant field gains in battles with forces of the Islah Party, the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, in the governorates of Marib and Al-Jawf.

The Houthi militia has won all recent battles on the Ma'rib and Al-Jawf fronts, despite significant financial and military support from the Arab coalition to forces affiliated with the legitimate government.

 The resounding fractures in the two governorates showed that the Houthi militia was no longer strong as much as the Islah army was weak and conspiratorial.

 From an early date, the Arab coalition equipped Marib camps with the latest weapons and with full support, and despite this the Legitimacy Army was defeated or withdrew from every place that Houthi wanted.

Newsyemen is publishing on YouTube a motion graphic video that shows the most prominent features of the Brotherhood's collusion with the Houthi militia on the Marib and Al-Jawf fronts, including their mobilization of confrontations with the non-Houthi "enemy", who are southerners.