In response to what was published by Newsyemen ... a military commander provides police with furniture and office equipment to disturb the Mocha

English - Saturday 26 September 2020 الساعة 06:50 pm
Mocha, NewsYemen, Exclusive:

A military commander provided office furniture to Yakhtal and Al-Zahari police, in response to what was published by Newsyemen about your situation.

Yakhtal Police Director Muhammad al-Shazli, NewsYemen, stated that the commander of the training camp in Jabal al-Nar, Abu al-Ezz al-Yafei, gave Yakhtal police and al-Zahri furniture, including tables and chairs.

Al-Shadly thanked the Yafei commander for his quick response to what was published on the site about the police situation in that vital area.

And NewsYemen had published a news in which he reviewed a number of obstacles that impede the implementation of the police whose duties are disrupted, the most prominent of which are the lack of a building of its own, and the lack of its destroyed office for furniture, as employees are forced to search the ground when cases are decided.