Dhamar Governorate.. a Hatched community and a generous camp
English - Sunday 30 July 2023 الساعة 09:15 am
The Houthi group has always used to exploit the people of Dhamar province to enhance its influence, claiming their lives on the battle fronts, then working to mobilize them to its camps, and ultimately using them to oppress their families and their people, as it relies on them to carry out its violations against citizens and confiscate their property and lands.
Dhamar governorate is the most submissive to the Houthi group, and the region most obedient to the dictates of Iran's arm. Not even the blood of thousands of its people who have been supplied by the Houthi fronts has interceded for it, as the group's violations against the population continue, while most of the population is subjected to various humiliating practices in front of their children and families.
In this way, Dhamar pays the bill for its submission and handing over the necks of people to the Houthi militia coming from the mountains of Saada and the caves of Maran without any resistance, to make themselves firewood in the hearth of Iran, and a weapon directed against every other province that came out to resist the Houthi rebellion and refused Maran's assault on the state and the sovereignty of the homeland.
Hatched government
The Houthi group deliberately militarizes the people of Dhamar and implicates them in blackmailing the tribes and citizens of the same governorate, and it also exploits them to strengthen its influence and support its fronts in order to achieve its strategic goals without losing any of its dynastic elements.
Through continuous efforts, the group succeeded in spawning the governorate and dismantling its social fabric, so that the people found themselves facing many transformations, the most prominent of which was the attraction of their children to the battle fronts, or their exposure to Houthi violations carried out by the people of their regions.
In this context, a citizen, who preferred not to be named, said, "The people of Dhamar have not yet realized the seriousness of their involvement in the group's control over them. While they are fighting on its fronts, they are the same ones used by the militia to subdue the simple people and the tribes in the districts of Dhamar Governorate, as it provides them with crumbs and uses them." to suppress their families and seize their lands and property by force.”
He added, "Those who are mobilized by the Houthi group in order to promote a new round of war against the liberated governorates should have protected their homes from the Houthi attacks that the various districts of Dhamar governorate are exposed to on an almost daily basis."
He continued, "We are used to seeing the Houthis mobilize the people of Dhamar against the project to restore the state and liberate Yemen from Iran's influence, but it is unfortunate that those who carry arms come out of this province in order to strengthen the authority of the dynastic group, while their villages and people of their skin in Dhamar are subjected to various forms of violations." tribe does not accept it for himself and his family.”
He said: "At a time when thousands of people from Dhamar went out with their weapons to the besieged city of Taiz, other gunmen were kidnapping three brothers in a humiliating and terrifying way in front of their children and families, in the village of Fort Qadeed in the Mayfa'a Ans district, and many other people from the city of Dhamar, Al-Hada, Anas, Wassab Al-Aali and Jahran All of this is in obedience to orders that come to them from Saada.
He concluded: "These people were supposed to protect their villages and their people in Dhamar, instead of threatening the governorate of Taiz, which came out with others to resist the dynastic expansion at an early age. They were supposed to realize their real enemy, but the days are long and whoever is satisfied with his people and his people what they accepted over them." Their families are in Dhamar, the circle will revolve around his head, and he will be afflicted by what afflicted them, and the days are long.”
Houthi camp
Dhamar governorate is still living the life it had before the revolution of September 26, as it seems as if it was unable to break away from the rule of the dynasties, while people search for themselves for a civil state and equal citizenship rights, Dhamar was and still is one of the most important governorates supporting the Houthi expansion and strengthening his presence on earth.
Similar to its continued subjugation to Iran, the Dhamar governorate is the most generous in providing the dead and wounded in the Houthi massacres throughout the war period, as not a single village is empty without a number of people who fell on the fronts of the Houthi rebellion.
While observers considered the Dhamar governorate for the Houthis the first military arena and the second most important stronghold of the group after Saada, others believe that the governorate represented an important arena for the Houthi parade and a military base from which the militia launched to target the rest of the liberated governorates.
According to data, since the beginning of the coup, the Dhamar governorate has hosted most of the Houthi camps, in addition to being a fertile environment for the establishment of the most important and largest secret prisons in the group's history, as Iran's arm deliberately deports its detainees to the Dhamar governorate, where they are hidden.