The UN fails to convince donors to donate to Yemen
English - Sunday 15 September 2019 الساعة 09:40 am
The United Nations has failed to beg donors to fund its humanitarian response plan for Yemen 2019, despite being terrorized by a series of reports of death, hunger and disease in Yemen, as its staff and Houthis have become corrupt in relief and deprived people in need, according to UN reports themselves and media and humanitarian organizations and agencies.
According to the United Nations Financing Tracking Services website, the funding gap for the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) in Yemen stood at $ 2.7 billion as of the end of last August, With a deficit of 67% of the total funding requirements of the United Nations Humanitarian Response Plan for Yemen in 2019, amounting to $ 4 billion and 200 million.
Observers believe that the United Nations, after failing to convince and intimidate donors to the reports of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, delivered the mission to the Hadi government, which has been absent from the relief file for the past years, and provided an opportunity for the Houthi militia and the United Nations to enrich the illicit and enhance their material capacity from the aid that comes in the name of the hungry. Yemen, and its funding exceeded 12 billion dollars during the past five years, according to "OCHA" data.
Minister of Planning and International Cooperation in the Government of Hadi Dr. Najib Al-Ouj called on the international support for the peace process in Yemen on Friday, donors, to face the humanitarian crisis in the country, cover the financial deficit of the UN Humanitarian Response Plan for Yemen 2019, and involve local institutions and the private sector. In the aid file in Yemen.
He also called on donors to abide by their pledges, and international organizations working in Yemen to transparency and publish financial statements that show how they are distributing aid and zero tolerance for corruption, and conduct internal audits of the offices of international organizations in Yemen.
Humanitarian workers in Yemen say that Yemen's donors are fed up with the corruption of UN organizations and the Houthi militia.
In the absence of aid to the needy, they refrained from donating their money, in the complete absence of Hadi government towards the relief file that the United Nations and the Houthis have been tampering with during the past years.
They added that the Department of Organizations in the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation does not have any activity or influence and does not exercise its legal function, stressing that the Hadi government established the "High Committee for Relief" in April 2015, in order to monitor relief operations, however, this committee remained frozen and does not even have an internal regulation, whose members do not exist in Yemen, they reside in different countries outside Yemen and receive their salaries and dues.
They pointed out that the civilians paid the price of the state's absence in monitoring the relief aid that comes specially for them from the donor community, where this donations went to the Houthis who tightly exploited it and created a special body (Alnmsha) to manage the relief aid and forced the United Nations and its organizations and agencies to deal with it, in the poor performance of the Hadi government.