بحث متكامل
Putin in Saudi Arabia and UAE is the next destination
Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in the Saudi capital of Riyadh on Monday, starting his first official visit in 12 years.
Houthi militias turned the government electricity sector in Hodeidah into private trade
Houthi militias have turned the government electricity sector in Hodeidah into a private sector that is traded by its supervisors in the city.
The media director of the giants condemns "malicious rumors" and confirms: its originating from the Brotherhood
The director of the media center of the brigades forces on the west coast, "Aseel al-Saqladi, denied the report of newspaper Aden al-Ghad, that was published on Sunday, October 13, 2019, "on the disputes between the joint forces, or accuse the forces of national resistance giants to steal crews and weapons from the West Coast Front," the newspaper reported on its official website and on its pages on social networking sites.
Syrian army to the border to face the Turkish aggression .. Russian mediation and US withdrawal and French alert
The Kurdish self-government said on Sunday it had reached an agreement with Damascus that the Syrian army would deploy along its border with Turkey to counter Ankara's five-day offensive against its control areas.
Director of Education Hays confirms receipt of Al-Quds School from Gen Al-Kunini and appeals to the Commander Dubla regarding the schools of El-Nahdha and Al-Wahda
The Department of Education in Hais, south of Hodeidah governorate, received from the Commander of the 7th Brigade Giants member of the West Coast Front Joint Command Brig. Gen. Ali Al-Kunini, (formerly Al-Quds School), after it was temporarily used as a military rear.
Houthi attack with booby-trapped boat targeting Midi port
A military source said that the Houthi militia attacked by a booby-trapped boat the port of Midi in the province of Hajja northwest of Yemen.
Tribes confront Houthis' takeover of their land in Ibb, entailed deaths and injuries in confrontations
Local sources in Ibb province said that clashes between tribal gunmen and Houthi militias in the center of Ibb left two people dead and more than 12 wounded.
Two children die in a fire in a camp for displaced people in Marib
A fire broke out in a camp for displaced people in Rumailah, killing two children immediately, and injuring two others who are still receiving treatment at the hospital, according to local sources.
Houthi circular banning commercial activities during Friday prayers
The Houthi militia, the Iranian arm in Yemen, has issued a circular banning business during the call for Friday prayers in areas under its control.
Yemeni banks granted Houthi militia new financial loans in 2019
The study of macroeconomic developments of the Yemeni economy to the Ministry of Planning, showed that loans and advances of commercial and Islamic banks for government of Houthi militia rose from 12.1% in December 2018, to 18.5% in July 2019, an increase of 6.4 percent driven by the registration of debt service Local government owed to banks that are booked, and new cash loans.
Motion Graphic: Al-Qaeda in the Brotherhood’s Robe
Al-Qaeda terrorist organization has returned to areas controlled by the Islah Party militia, the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, in Abyan province, south of Yemen.
Piles of garbage in Taiz streets due to corruption of Islah Authority
A source in the Cleanliness Fund said that the cleaners stopped working in protest against the interruption of their salaries for three months, accusing the local authorities to loot revenues imposed on trucks and traders, which was covering the salaries of cleaners who are not more than one hundred workers, a reference to the authority of Islah Party in the province.
The Yemeni Embassy in Cairo stopped a special ceremony for the community of September and October revolutions for the second time
Organizers of the celebrations of the Yemeni Revolution 26 September 1962 and October 14, 1963 were surprised to stop the festival by the Yemeni Embassy in Cairo
Displaced people complain of extortion by “landlords” in Marib and accuse the authority of complicity
Displaced people in Marib governorate, east of Yemen, have complained of an unprecedented rise in rental prices for residential property in the city
Taiz authority opens unilaterally the west and east of the city crossings and demanded the Houthis complete the implementation
The local and military authorities in Taiz on Saturday unilaterally opened the crossings of west and east of the city and demanded the Houthis to open from their side, after being blocked for five years
The death of Houthi leader “Al-Sayadi in Al-Fakher front
A leader of the Houthi militias and dozens of elements were killed in al-Fakher front north of Qataba in al-Dhali 'governorate, where the southern joint forces thwarted attacks during which the militias tried to regain a foothold in the liberated city.
Haq publishes its report on the events of August 2019 in Aden
Haq Organization for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms held a press conference on Saturday to announce its report on the events of August 2019 in Aden, southern Yemen, and its relationship with the fight against terrorism since 2015.
Southern forces confirm maintaining their positions in the liberated cities and camps northwest of the border
The southern joint forces were decisively equipped on all the creeps and attacks by Houthi militias during the past 48 hours towards the liberated areas during a sweeping operation that began Tuesday in northern Dali.
4500 beneficiaries of support "emergency remittances" in the Directorate of Tahita
The disbursement of beneficiaries of the emergency remittances project continues in Al-Tahita, the center of the Directorate, south of Hodeidah Governorate.
Militias attack Brigade 35 fronts in Salou after the agreement to halt operations with Islah
Al-Houthi coup militia launched a large-scale attack on the positions of the 35 armored brigade forces in the fronts of al-Salou district, southeast of Taiz, in conjunction with its announcement to open humanitarian corridors and stop confrontations on the fronts of the city where the reform forces are present.
The World Bank warns of a setback for Yemen's economy following the depletion of the Saudi deposit at the end of 2019
The World Bank has warned that Yemen's economy will lose its stability, which it gained during 2018-2019 when the Saudi deposit was exhausted by the end of 2019, and stressed the importance of mobilizing more foreign aid to support the import of sufficient basic materials and maintain macroeconomic stability.
Qatar sponsors Houthi textbook
Qatar sponsors Houthi textbook
Death of journalist Abdulaziz Alhayajam
Death of journalist Abdulaziz Alhayajam
Tariq Saleh: "AbiyAhmed" achieved stability for his country and peace with his neighbors and deserves the Nobel Prize
Commander of the National Resistance - Member of the Joint Command in the West Coast Brigadier General Tariq Mohammed Abdullah Saleh, confirmed that Ethiopian Prime Minister Abe Ahmed deserved to win the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.
The Islah militia in Shabwa hides 11 people in its prisons, including journalists and soldiers
The Islah Party's militias have arrested 11 people since last Thursday in the southeastern province of Shabwa.
Motion Graphic: where there is no country, don’t seek for dignity
The chaos of 2011 has turned into a curve to the curse of Yemenis outside the country. Many countries are treating Yemeni nationals with disrespect.
Return of electricity to Mocha after three months of interruption
Electricity returned to Mocha on Friday morning, after three months of interruption.
National Resistance: seize a new soldier on trial of killing of a citizen
National Resistance: seize a new soldier on trial of killing of a citizen
Houthi movements and reinforcements in Hodeidah
Special field and military sources in the joint forces in the west coast, referred to simultaneous movements of Houthi militias on Tuesday and Wednesday in a number of areas and districts of Hodeidah city and governorate, including the arrival of dozens in small groups with mechanisms and weapons
Yemen's debt exceeded 10 trillion and 400 billion riyals
Net public debt owed by Yemen in the second half of 2019 increased 41% to 10 trillion and 401 billion riyals, compared with 6 trillion and 563 billion riyals at the end of 2014.
تحليل: فروق إضافية تكشفها كوارث المناخ بين سلطة الدولة وسلطة المليشيا
عادل السبئي
الرهوي... من وكيل محافظة إلى رئاسة حكومة
كامل الخوداني
لن نستعيد اليمن بالصغار والأحقاد
نشوان العثماني
قوى السلاليين وحصار المناطق السنية
سوسن الشاعر
«آه لقيت الدغدغة»
الجيش الأميركي ينشر صورا جديد لاستهداف مليشيا الحوثي في اليمن - ١٩ مارس ٢٠٢٥
تفقد جاهزية قطاع أمن الساحل الغربي.. طارق صالح: شعبنا على موعد مع الفرج
القيادة المركزية الامريكية تواصل غاراتها الجوية على الحوثيين ١٨ مارس ٢٠٢٥